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Walden Arts Christmas Market

  • Walden Arts The Old Sail Loft Drawbridge Cardigan SA43 1HW UK (map)

11am - 5pm

Free Entry

The Walden Arts Christmas Market is back this year with more beautiful handmade wares by the super talented, creative community of west Wales! We have ceramics, textiles, basket weaving, woodworking and of course beautiful prints and books for your perusal.. Don't miss your chance to buy local this year and support your local artistic community.

Of course mince pies and chai tea will be flowing freely! See you there!

Mae Marchnad Nadolig Walden yn ôl eleni gyda nwyddau mwy hardd wedi'u gwneud â llaw gan gymuned greadigol a thalentog a hynod dalentog Gorllewin Cymru! Mae gennym serameg, tecstilau, gwehyddu basgedi, gwaith coed ac wrth gwrs printiau a llyfrau hardd ar gyfer eich perusal. Peidiwch â cholli'ch cyfle i brynu'n lleol eleni a chefnogi eich cymuned artistig leol.

Wrth gwrs bydd mins peis a chai te yn llifo'n rhydd! Welwn ni chi yno!

30 November

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